Center working hours
Sat - Thur (10:00 AM - 9:00 PM )
Contact us for a consultation
First Elite Medical Center
Providing services that improve human health because our goal is to heal you, through our selection of a distinguished medical team and the use of the latest technology in the medical fields.
Our message
Your health is our first goal
Providing high-quality, safe and distinguished services at reasonable costs with a commitment to continuous development and modification, and the optimal use of resources by providing qualified medical personnel and modern technologies.
سنين الخبرة
اطباء المركز
الزيارات للمركز
أهم الخدمات
إن صحة مرضانا هي المسألة الأكثر أهمية في مركزنا ونحن نكرس معرفتنا وخبرتنا لتحديد المشكلة، وتثقيف المريض عن كيفية المحافظة على صحته ومساعدة كل من هم في حاجة إلينا
إصابة الكتف والكوع
مركز الصفوة الطبي
إستشارات طبية
مركز الصفوة الطبي
طب العظام
العلاج الطبيعي
إصابة العمود الفقري
العلاج الطبيعي
ألم المفاصل
مركز الصفوة الطبي
خدمات الحجامة
مركز الصفوة الطبي
آلام المفاصل والعضلات
العلاج الطبيعي
إصابة في القدم والكاحل
العلاج الطبيعي
تبييض الاسنان
طب الاسنان
الأسنان التجميلي
طب الاسنان
Cosmetic dentistry services
- Hollywood smile
- Digital smile design
- Restore the smile
- Dental veneers
- Dental crowns
- Zoom whitening
Gum disease services
- Treatment of gingivitis
- Laser gingivectomy
- Gum regeneration process
- Dental crown lengthening
Cosmetic dentistry services
- Hollywood smile
- Digital smile design
- Restore the smile
- Dental veneers
- Dental crowns
- Zoom whitening
Gum disease services
- Treatment of gingivitis
- Laser gingivectomy
- Gum regeneration process
- Dental crown lengthening
Cupping services
Cupping is considered a type of medication
Cupping is considered a type of treatment recommended by the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, when he performed cupping and recommended it to his nation after him. There are hadiths in the two Sahihs including them.
The prophet Peace Be Upon Him said
-The most effective treatment method is cupping
The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him
تنشط الدورة الدموية
تنشيط افرازات الهرمونات
تنشط الجهاز المناعي
تقليل الالام
Why First Elite Medical Center?
We provide you with high-quality medical care with advanced technologies
Experience and efficiency
We are distinguished by a distinguished medical team that combines long experience and deep knowledge in the fields of dentistry, physical therapy, cupping, and general medicine. We understand that each patient is unique, and we are committed to providing personalized, personalized care to precisely meet their needs.
Modern techniques
At First Elite Medical Center, we are keen to use the latest technologies and equipment in our medical fields. By investing in modern medical technology, we ensure effective and safe treatment for our patients.
Peace of mind and friendly climate
We pay great attention to the comfort of our patients, which is why we work to provide a warm and friendly atmosphere in our medical center. Our patients can relax and feel reassured during their visit, which positively enhances their medical experience.
الاسئلة الشائعة
نحن دائما علي تواصل معك
نحن نقدم مجموعة واسعة من خدمات طب الأسنان
هذه الجزئية مخصصة للأجابة
To contact us
To contact us by phone
The Address
الشارقة ، المجاز 1, كورنيش البحيرة
، بناية بالرشيد 1306